

England, United Kingdom

London, the financial centre of Europe, offers opportunities and entrepreneurship for ambitious people from all around the world. I have spent a year studying and a year working in this exciting, bustling city. Its cultural landscape, an infusion of well-established English norms with the vibrancy of its multinational, multiethnic communities, is one of a kind. With one of every two inhabitants hailing from abroad, few cities can match London’s diversity.

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Bavaria, Germany

The capital of Bavaria, Munich, has twice been a home for me. I lived in Munich for six months in 2009 during my final research project at the Technical University of Munich, and again for ten months in 2013-14, working for the European Patent Office. Munich has a particularly strong economy, driven predominantly by the engineering industry, and is home to, among others, the headquarters of Siemens, BMW and The Linde Group.

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Achaia, Greece

Patras, Greece's third largest city, is where I spent five years during my undergraduate studies. In the picture on the left is the impressive Rio-Antirrio cable-stayed bridge constructed in 2004. It connects Patras' suburb of Rio to the town of Antirrio, joining the Peloponnese peninsula with mainland Greece.

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Attica, Greece

Athens, the city where I was born and raised, has a considerably longer history of civilization than most. Birthplace of democracy and drama, Socrates and Plato, the Athens of today, spread around the Acropolis Hill, is modern and crowded, but nevertheless propagates an ancient flavour.

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